Unlocking Secure Data Sharing with Data Decentralisation and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

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Data isn’t just something businesses collect and store anymore; it’s an asset that is used to help them grow and generate revenue. As the volume of data explodes, so too do concerns over privacy and security. 

With data protection regulations making it difficult for businesses to share data, we need to consider how we can leverage this data without impacting the privacy of individuals. 

In this article, we’re going to examine how data decentralisation using Federated Networks and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), coupled with Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) could enable data sharing in secure, privacy-compliant and efficient ways. 

Understanding Data Decentralisation

What is Data Decentralisation?

Data decentralisation refers to the distribution of data across multiple locations or systems, rather than storing it in a single, centralised database. This approach contrasts sharply with traditional data management practices, where organisations rely on centralised servers to store and process their data. 

Centralised systems, while easier to manage and maintain, pose significant risks in terms of security breaches, data theft and privacy violations. They act as a single point of failure; if compromised, the entire dataset could be at risk.

Decentralisation enhances security and makes it significantly harder for attackers to gain unauthorised access to the entire dataset. This method also offers greater privacy and control over data, as it allows data to remain closer to its source. 

Businesses can leverage this to ensure that sensitive information is not centralised, reducing the risk of large-scale data breaches.

Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced Security: The distributed nature of decentralised data systems makes them less vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches.
  • Improved Privacy: By keeping data distributed and closer to its source, businesses can offer their customers greater assurance of privacy.
  • Increased Control Over Data: Decentralisation allows businesses to have more control over their data, enabling them to manage who has access to what information and when.

Beyond Blockchain: Methods of Data Decentralisation

While blockchain is a popular method for decentralising data, it's not the only approach. Several other technologies enable decentralisation, such as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks and Distributed File Systems (DFS), each with unique advantages and applications. 

In this article, we’re going to focus on two methods in particular:

  • Federated Networks: These networks allow for data and systems interoperability while maintaining autonomy over individual data stores. In a federated network, each participant can control their data and who they share it with, facilitating collaboration without compromising data sovereignty.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): CDNs are distributed server networks that deliver content to users based on their geographic location. While primarily used to speed up content delivery, CDNs also contribute to decentralisation by distributing data across multiple points, enhancing security and reducing latency.

These methods underscore that decentralisation principles can be applied across various technologies, not just blockchain. They offer businesses flexibility in how they manage and share data, with each method providing distinct advantages in security, efficiency and control.

An Overview of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs)

Privacy Enhancing Technologies enable the secure processing of data without compromising the privacy of individuals. These technologies are designed to minimise personal data use and maximise data security. 

While compliance with data protection regulations is a significant driver for adopting PETs, these technologies offer businesses much more than just a way to avoid legal pitfalls. 

  • Enhancing Data Utility Without Compromising Privacy: PETs enable businesses to utilise sensitive data for analytics and machine learning models, maximising data utility, and allowing companies to innovate while maintaining privacy.
  • Facilitating Secure Data Monetisation: With PETs, businesses can safely share or sell data insights without risking individual privacy, opening new revenue streams. 
  • Building Trust and Enhancing Customer Relationships: By employing PETs, businesses demonstrate a commitment to protecting customer privacy. Privacy concerns can influence consumer choices and trust now translates into a competitive advantage which can directly impact customer retention and acquisition.
  • Enabling Collaborative Innovations: PETs like SMPC allow for collaborative data initiatives between organisations that can lead to groundbreaking innovations and discoveries. Businesses can leverage combined data sets to explore new solutions, products and services without breaching data protection regulations.

Types of PETs Commonly Used in Businesses

Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic Encryption enables data to be processed in an encrypted format, safeguarding the information's privacy throughout its lifecycle. This type of encryption allows for complex computations on encrypted data, generating encrypted results that, when decrypted, match the results of operations performed on the plaintext.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)

Zero-knowledge proofs are a cryptographic method that allows one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that a certain statement is true, without conveying any information apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true. This technology is invaluable for identity verification and authentication processes. Zero-Knowledge Proofs are used in Cryptocurrencies like Zcash and other blockchain platforms such as Mina Protocol, who claim to be the world’s lightest blockchain due to their use of ZKPs.

Differential Privacy

Differential Privacy adds noise to data or queries to protect individual privacy. It's useful for businesses dealing with large datasets and the need to publish statistical information. This technology is used to enhance privacy in data analysis, machine learning models and aggregated data reports. Tumult Labs leveraged Differential Privacy to help the IRS share anonymised data with the US Department of Education so they could continue to release their annual graduate income scorecards.

Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC)

Secure Multi-Party Computation is a cryptographic protocol that enables parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. This means that multiple entities can collaborate on data analysis or machine learning projects without actually sharing the underlying data among themselves. The Boston Women’s Workforce Council leverage SMPC to analyse wage gap data across multiple companies.  They work with Boston University's Hariri Institute for Computing to ensure the confidentiality of each company’s data.

Federated Learning

Federated Learning is a decentralised machine learning approach that enables model training on a multitude of devices while keeping the data localised. Instead of sending data to a central server, models are trained locally on users' devices and only the model updates are shared. This method significantly enhances privacy and security, as sensitive data does not leave the device. Google’s Gboard is an example federated learning in action. The words you type or speak are used to train the predictive text/speech models without the data being shared directly with Google.

Data Decentralisation and PETs: Enabling Privacy-First Data Sharing

How Federated Networks Facilitate Privacy-First Collaboration

Federated networks change how data is shared and analysed, focusing on privacy and collaboration without compromising data sovereignty. At the core of federated networks is federated learning, a process that allows for the extraction of insights from data without the data ever leaving its original location. 

This innovative approach ensures that sensitive information remains secure, addressing significant privacy concerns that have traditionally stopped data sharing among businesses.

Federated learning is particularly powerful in scenarios where data cannot be centralised due to privacy regulations or strategic considerations. It enables companies to collaborate and benefit from shared insights without breaching privacy regulations.

Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) play a crucial role in these federated networks and marketplaces. PETs, such as homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation, ensure that data analysis can be conducted on encrypted data, providing results without exposing the raw data. 

This technology is vital for facilitating trust among participants in federated networks and ensuring that collaboration does not compromise data security.

The Role of CDNs in Privacy-Aware Data Distribution

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are traditionally viewed as infrastructure for speeding up the delivery of web content. However, their role in privacy-aware data distribution is increasingly significant. 

By leveraging edge computing, CDNs can perform localised data analysis, processing data closer to its source. This minimises the need to transfer sensitive information across networks, reducing the risk of interception or breaches.

CDNs also offer the potential for data anonymisation and aggregation at the edge. This means that only processed, anonymised data needs to be sent back to central servers or shared with partners, significantly enhancing privacy. 

The ability to perform these operations at the edge—near the data source—ensures that businesses can distribute content and insights efficiently while maintaining a strong stance on privacy.

Monetise Your Data Using PETs and Decentralisation

The synergy between data decentralisation and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) revolutionises how businesses monetise data, ensuring privacy and integrity. Decentralisation is key to this process, offering substantial benefits for ethical data usage and monetisation.

Key Aspects of Decentralisation in Data Monetisation:

  • Data Ownership and Control: Decentralisation places data control back with its creators, allowing for direct, consent-based monetisation. This model supports ethical practices by ensuring data sharing and transactions comply with privacy regulations.
  • Secure Data Marketplaces: Through decentralised frameworks, businesses can engage in data marketplaces where insights are exchanged securely using PETs, avoiding the pitfalls of raw data sharing. This approach maintains data privacy and security, fostering a trustworthy environment for data transactions.
  • Granular Data Access: Decentralisation enables precise control over data access and usage, critical for monetising data while respecting privacy concerns. Businesses can set specific permissions, ensuring data is used appropriately and ethically.
  • Innovation and Value Creation: Decentralisation encourages innovative data analysis and monetisation strategies without compromising data privacy. This promotes the development of unique insights and analytics services that can be monetised, expanding the data's potential value.

Decentralisation, coupled with PETs, provides a powerful framework for the responsible monetisation of data. It ensures that privacy is upheld, control is maintained and innovation is fostered, aligning with regulatory requirements and consumer expectations for ethical data practices.

We cover this in more detail in our article The Business Case For Privacy: Turning Data Privacy Into Profit

Use Case in FinTech: Improving Accuracy and Protecting Data


A leading FinTech company specialising in credit risk assessment seeks to improve the accuracy of its predictive models while navigating the complexities of data privacy regulations and the need to protect sensitive customer financial information.


  • Enhanced Risk Assessment: The company establishes a federated network with partner financial institutions, enabling collaborative model training on distributed data without compromising customer privacy.
  • Differential Privacy for Secure Insights: Differential privacy is integrated into the federated learning process, ensuring that model updates and insights preserve individual anonymity and meet regulatory standards.
  • Secure Marketplace for Data Insights: The company leverages the federated network to create a secure marketplace where anonymised credit risk insights derived from the model can be shared with other lenders and financial institutions.


The company achieves significantly improved credit risk assessment accuracy, leading to more informed lending decisions and reduced losses. They streamline their compliance with data privacy regulations, enhancing customer trust and brand reputation.

They create an additional revenue stream by monetising anonymised insights and position the company as a thought leader in responsible data-driven finance.

Contact Us For More Information

If you’d like to understand more about Zendata’s solutions and how we can help you, please reach out to the team today.

Use Case in HealthTech: Unlocking Medical Insights Through Privacy Preservation


A network of research hospitals possesses a wealth of patient data with the potential to accelerate the development of precision medicine. However, concerns around patient privacy, regulatory compliance and the ethical use of sensitive data pose significant barriers to its full utilisation.


  • Federated Network for Collaborative Research: The network implements a federated network, enabling researchers to access distributed patient data without compromising privacy or violating healthcare regulations.
  • Federated Learning for Precision Medicine: Federated learning empowers researchers to train machine learning models on distributed data, identifying new disease biomarkers, predicting treatment outcomes and driving discoveries in personalised therapies.
  • Secure Insights Marketplace with Differential Privacy: The consortium establishes a marketplace where anonymised insights derived from the models, along with additional safeguards like differential privacy, can be securely shared with pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms and academic institutions.


Researchers unlock access to new patient data to make groundbreaking advancements in precision medicine while upholding the highest standards of patient privacy. The ethical monetisation of anonymised insights drives further research and development funding, accelerating healthcare innovation. 

Patients benefit from faster development of tailored treatments and therapies, thanks to a collaborative research ecosystem built on trust.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Data Decentralisation and PETs

Implementing data decentralisation and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) can dramatically enhance your business's approach to data privacy and security. Follow this straightforward, step-by-step guide to facilitate a smooth transition.

Step 1: Assess Your Current Data Management and Privacy Needs

  • Evaluate Existing Infrastructure: Review your current data management practices to identify potential areas for improvement.
  • Identify Privacy Goals: Determine your key objectives related to data privacy, security and compliance.

Step 2: Research Decentralisation and PET Solutions

  • Understand Available Technologies: Familiarise yourself with various decentralised systems and PETs, such as blockchain, federated networks, federated learning, homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation.
  • Match Solutions to Needs: Select the technologies that align with your specific data types, privacy requirements, and business objectives.

Step 3: Select Technology Partners

  • Identify Potential Partners: Look for technology providers with expertise in your chosen solutions and a track record of successful implementations.
  • Evaluate and Choose Partners: Assess each potential partner based on their capabilities, support offerings, and alignment with your business needs.

Step 4: Plan Integration with Existing Systems

  • Develop a Phased Implementation Plan: Outline a step-by-step approach for integrating new technologies, including pilot phases and full-scale deployment.
  • Ensure System Compatibility: Address interoperability issues to ensure new technologies work seamlessly with your existing data infrastructure.

Step 5: Educate Your Team and Communicate with Stakeholders

  • Conduct Training Sessions: Provide your team with the knowledge and tools they need to utilise the new systems effectively.
  • Maintain Transparency with Customers: Inform your customers about how you're using data decentralisation and PETs to protect their privacy.

Step 6: Implement and Test

  • Begin Phased Implementation: Start with a pilot project to test the technologies in a controlled environment before wider deployment.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the implementation, ready to make adjustments as needed based on feedback and performance metrics.

Step 7: Review and Scale

  • Evaluate Success: Assess the effectiveness of the new systems against your initial privacy and security objectives.
  • Plan for Scaling: Based on the evaluation, plan how to expand the use of these technologies throughout your business.

By following these steps, your business can effectively implement data decentralisation and PETs, positioning itself as a leader in data privacy and security. 


The integration of data decentralisation and privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) is a smart approach for businesses committed to improving privacy, security and responsible data monetisation.

This strategic move not only aligns with the evolving landscape of data protection regulations but also addresses the increasing consumer demand for transparency and privacy.

Adopting these technologies requires a comprehensive evaluation of current data management practices, a clear understanding of available decentralisation and PET solutions and a commitment to seamless integration and stakeholder education.

The benefits of implementing data decentralisation and PETs extend beyond compliance and privacy. They offer businesses a competitive edge through innovative data utilisation strategies, enhanced customer trust and new growth opportunities. The ability to monetise data responsibly, while preserving privacy, opens up novel revenue streams and strengthens brand reputation in the digital marketplace.

Businesses that proactively embrace decentralised data sharing and PETs will not only safeguard their data assets but also lead the way in ethical data practices. The call to action is clear: adopt these technologies to improve your data privacy, security and business growth, ensuring a resilient and trustworthy foundation for the future.

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Unlocking Secure Data Sharing with Data Decentralisation and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

February 29, 2024


Data isn’t just something businesses collect and store anymore; it’s an asset that is used to help them grow and generate revenue. As the volume of data explodes, so too do concerns over privacy and security. 

With data protection regulations making it difficult for businesses to share data, we need to consider how we can leverage this data without impacting the privacy of individuals. 

In this article, we’re going to examine how data decentralisation using Federated Networks and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), coupled with Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) could enable data sharing in secure, privacy-compliant and efficient ways. 

Understanding Data Decentralisation

What is Data Decentralisation?

Data decentralisation refers to the distribution of data across multiple locations or systems, rather than storing it in a single, centralised database. This approach contrasts sharply with traditional data management practices, where organisations rely on centralised servers to store and process their data. 

Centralised systems, while easier to manage and maintain, pose significant risks in terms of security breaches, data theft and privacy violations. They act as a single point of failure; if compromised, the entire dataset could be at risk.

Decentralisation enhances security and makes it significantly harder for attackers to gain unauthorised access to the entire dataset. This method also offers greater privacy and control over data, as it allows data to remain closer to its source. 

Businesses can leverage this to ensure that sensitive information is not centralised, reducing the risk of large-scale data breaches.

Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced Security: The distributed nature of decentralised data systems makes them less vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches.
  • Improved Privacy: By keeping data distributed and closer to its source, businesses can offer their customers greater assurance of privacy.
  • Increased Control Over Data: Decentralisation allows businesses to have more control over their data, enabling them to manage who has access to what information and when.

Beyond Blockchain: Methods of Data Decentralisation

While blockchain is a popular method for decentralising data, it's not the only approach. Several other technologies enable decentralisation, such as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks and Distributed File Systems (DFS), each with unique advantages and applications. 

In this article, we’re going to focus on two methods in particular:

  • Federated Networks: These networks allow for data and systems interoperability while maintaining autonomy over individual data stores. In a federated network, each participant can control their data and who they share it with, facilitating collaboration without compromising data sovereignty.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): CDNs are distributed server networks that deliver content to users based on their geographic location. While primarily used to speed up content delivery, CDNs also contribute to decentralisation by distributing data across multiple points, enhancing security and reducing latency.

These methods underscore that decentralisation principles can be applied across various technologies, not just blockchain. They offer businesses flexibility in how they manage and share data, with each method providing distinct advantages in security, efficiency and control.

An Overview of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs)

Privacy Enhancing Technologies enable the secure processing of data without compromising the privacy of individuals. These technologies are designed to minimise personal data use and maximise data security. 

While compliance with data protection regulations is a significant driver for adopting PETs, these technologies offer businesses much more than just a way to avoid legal pitfalls. 

  • Enhancing Data Utility Without Compromising Privacy: PETs enable businesses to utilise sensitive data for analytics and machine learning models, maximising data utility, and allowing companies to innovate while maintaining privacy.
  • Facilitating Secure Data Monetisation: With PETs, businesses can safely share or sell data insights without risking individual privacy, opening new revenue streams. 
  • Building Trust and Enhancing Customer Relationships: By employing PETs, businesses demonstrate a commitment to protecting customer privacy. Privacy concerns can influence consumer choices and trust now translates into a competitive advantage which can directly impact customer retention and acquisition.
  • Enabling Collaborative Innovations: PETs like SMPC allow for collaborative data initiatives between organisations that can lead to groundbreaking innovations and discoveries. Businesses can leverage combined data sets to explore new solutions, products and services without breaching data protection regulations.

Types of PETs Commonly Used in Businesses

Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic Encryption enables data to be processed in an encrypted format, safeguarding the information's privacy throughout its lifecycle. This type of encryption allows for complex computations on encrypted data, generating encrypted results that, when decrypted, match the results of operations performed on the plaintext.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)

Zero-knowledge proofs are a cryptographic method that allows one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that a certain statement is true, without conveying any information apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true. This technology is invaluable for identity verification and authentication processes. Zero-Knowledge Proofs are used in Cryptocurrencies like Zcash and other blockchain platforms such as Mina Protocol, who claim to be the world’s lightest blockchain due to their use of ZKPs.

Differential Privacy

Differential Privacy adds noise to data or queries to protect individual privacy. It's useful for businesses dealing with large datasets and the need to publish statistical information. This technology is used to enhance privacy in data analysis, machine learning models and aggregated data reports. Tumult Labs leveraged Differential Privacy to help the IRS share anonymised data with the US Department of Education so they could continue to release their annual graduate income scorecards.

Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC)

Secure Multi-Party Computation is a cryptographic protocol that enables parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. This means that multiple entities can collaborate on data analysis or machine learning projects without actually sharing the underlying data among themselves. The Boston Women’s Workforce Council leverage SMPC to analyse wage gap data across multiple companies.  They work with Boston University's Hariri Institute for Computing to ensure the confidentiality of each company’s data.

Federated Learning

Federated Learning is a decentralised machine learning approach that enables model training on a multitude of devices while keeping the data localised. Instead of sending data to a central server, models are trained locally on users' devices and only the model updates are shared. This method significantly enhances privacy and security, as sensitive data does not leave the device. Google’s Gboard is an example federated learning in action. The words you type or speak are used to train the predictive text/speech models without the data being shared directly with Google.

Data Decentralisation and PETs: Enabling Privacy-First Data Sharing

How Federated Networks Facilitate Privacy-First Collaboration

Federated networks change how data is shared and analysed, focusing on privacy and collaboration without compromising data sovereignty. At the core of federated networks is federated learning, a process that allows for the extraction of insights from data without the data ever leaving its original location. 

This innovative approach ensures that sensitive information remains secure, addressing significant privacy concerns that have traditionally stopped data sharing among businesses.

Federated learning is particularly powerful in scenarios where data cannot be centralised due to privacy regulations or strategic considerations. It enables companies to collaborate and benefit from shared insights without breaching privacy regulations.

Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) play a crucial role in these federated networks and marketplaces. PETs, such as homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation, ensure that data analysis can be conducted on encrypted data, providing results without exposing the raw data. 

This technology is vital for facilitating trust among participants in federated networks and ensuring that collaboration does not compromise data security.

The Role of CDNs in Privacy-Aware Data Distribution

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are traditionally viewed as infrastructure for speeding up the delivery of web content. However, their role in privacy-aware data distribution is increasingly significant. 

By leveraging edge computing, CDNs can perform localised data analysis, processing data closer to its source. This minimises the need to transfer sensitive information across networks, reducing the risk of interception or breaches.

CDNs also offer the potential for data anonymisation and aggregation at the edge. This means that only processed, anonymised data needs to be sent back to central servers or shared with partners, significantly enhancing privacy. 

The ability to perform these operations at the edge—near the data source—ensures that businesses can distribute content and insights efficiently while maintaining a strong stance on privacy.

Monetise Your Data Using PETs and Decentralisation

The synergy between data decentralisation and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) revolutionises how businesses monetise data, ensuring privacy and integrity. Decentralisation is key to this process, offering substantial benefits for ethical data usage and monetisation.

Key Aspects of Decentralisation in Data Monetisation:

  • Data Ownership and Control: Decentralisation places data control back with its creators, allowing for direct, consent-based monetisation. This model supports ethical practices by ensuring data sharing and transactions comply with privacy regulations.
  • Secure Data Marketplaces: Through decentralised frameworks, businesses can engage in data marketplaces where insights are exchanged securely using PETs, avoiding the pitfalls of raw data sharing. This approach maintains data privacy and security, fostering a trustworthy environment for data transactions.
  • Granular Data Access: Decentralisation enables precise control over data access and usage, critical for monetising data while respecting privacy concerns. Businesses can set specific permissions, ensuring data is used appropriately and ethically.
  • Innovation and Value Creation: Decentralisation encourages innovative data analysis and monetisation strategies without compromising data privacy. This promotes the development of unique insights and analytics services that can be monetised, expanding the data's potential value.

Decentralisation, coupled with PETs, provides a powerful framework for the responsible monetisation of data. It ensures that privacy is upheld, control is maintained and innovation is fostered, aligning with regulatory requirements and consumer expectations for ethical data practices.

We cover this in more detail in our article The Business Case For Privacy: Turning Data Privacy Into Profit

Use Case in FinTech: Improving Accuracy and Protecting Data


A leading FinTech company specialising in credit risk assessment seeks to improve the accuracy of its predictive models while navigating the complexities of data privacy regulations and the need to protect sensitive customer financial information.


  • Enhanced Risk Assessment: The company establishes a federated network with partner financial institutions, enabling collaborative model training on distributed data without compromising customer privacy.
  • Differential Privacy for Secure Insights: Differential privacy is integrated into the federated learning process, ensuring that model updates and insights preserve individual anonymity and meet regulatory standards.
  • Secure Marketplace for Data Insights: The company leverages the federated network to create a secure marketplace where anonymised credit risk insights derived from the model can be shared with other lenders and financial institutions.


The company achieves significantly improved credit risk assessment accuracy, leading to more informed lending decisions and reduced losses. They streamline their compliance with data privacy regulations, enhancing customer trust and brand reputation.

They create an additional revenue stream by monetising anonymised insights and position the company as a thought leader in responsible data-driven finance.

Contact Us For More Information

If you’d like to understand more about Zendata’s solutions and how we can help you, please reach out to the team today.

Use Case in HealthTech: Unlocking Medical Insights Through Privacy Preservation


A network of research hospitals possesses a wealth of patient data with the potential to accelerate the development of precision medicine. However, concerns around patient privacy, regulatory compliance and the ethical use of sensitive data pose significant barriers to its full utilisation.


  • Federated Network for Collaborative Research: The network implements a federated network, enabling researchers to access distributed patient data without compromising privacy or violating healthcare regulations.
  • Federated Learning for Precision Medicine: Federated learning empowers researchers to train machine learning models on distributed data, identifying new disease biomarkers, predicting treatment outcomes and driving discoveries in personalised therapies.
  • Secure Insights Marketplace with Differential Privacy: The consortium establishes a marketplace where anonymised insights derived from the models, along with additional safeguards like differential privacy, can be securely shared with pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms and academic institutions.


Researchers unlock access to new patient data to make groundbreaking advancements in precision medicine while upholding the highest standards of patient privacy. The ethical monetisation of anonymised insights drives further research and development funding, accelerating healthcare innovation. 

Patients benefit from faster development of tailored treatments and therapies, thanks to a collaborative research ecosystem built on trust.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Data Decentralisation and PETs

Implementing data decentralisation and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) can dramatically enhance your business's approach to data privacy and security. Follow this straightforward, step-by-step guide to facilitate a smooth transition.

Step 1: Assess Your Current Data Management and Privacy Needs

  • Evaluate Existing Infrastructure: Review your current data management practices to identify potential areas for improvement.
  • Identify Privacy Goals: Determine your key objectives related to data privacy, security and compliance.

Step 2: Research Decentralisation and PET Solutions

  • Understand Available Technologies: Familiarise yourself with various decentralised systems and PETs, such as blockchain, federated networks, federated learning, homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation.
  • Match Solutions to Needs: Select the technologies that align with your specific data types, privacy requirements, and business objectives.

Step 3: Select Technology Partners

  • Identify Potential Partners: Look for technology providers with expertise in your chosen solutions and a track record of successful implementations.
  • Evaluate and Choose Partners: Assess each potential partner based on their capabilities, support offerings, and alignment with your business needs.

Step 4: Plan Integration with Existing Systems

  • Develop a Phased Implementation Plan: Outline a step-by-step approach for integrating new technologies, including pilot phases and full-scale deployment.
  • Ensure System Compatibility: Address interoperability issues to ensure new technologies work seamlessly with your existing data infrastructure.

Step 5: Educate Your Team and Communicate with Stakeholders

  • Conduct Training Sessions: Provide your team with the knowledge and tools they need to utilise the new systems effectively.
  • Maintain Transparency with Customers: Inform your customers about how you're using data decentralisation and PETs to protect their privacy.

Step 6: Implement and Test

  • Begin Phased Implementation: Start with a pilot project to test the technologies in a controlled environment before wider deployment.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the implementation, ready to make adjustments as needed based on feedback and performance metrics.

Step 7: Review and Scale

  • Evaluate Success: Assess the effectiveness of the new systems against your initial privacy and security objectives.
  • Plan for Scaling: Based on the evaluation, plan how to expand the use of these technologies throughout your business.

By following these steps, your business can effectively implement data decentralisation and PETs, positioning itself as a leader in data privacy and security. 


The integration of data decentralisation and privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) is a smart approach for businesses committed to improving privacy, security and responsible data monetisation.

This strategic move not only aligns with the evolving landscape of data protection regulations but also addresses the increasing consumer demand for transparency and privacy.

Adopting these technologies requires a comprehensive evaluation of current data management practices, a clear understanding of available decentralisation and PET solutions and a commitment to seamless integration and stakeholder education.

The benefits of implementing data decentralisation and PETs extend beyond compliance and privacy. They offer businesses a competitive edge through innovative data utilisation strategies, enhanced customer trust and new growth opportunities. The ability to monetise data responsibly, while preserving privacy, opens up novel revenue streams and strengthens brand reputation in the digital marketplace.

Businesses that proactively embrace decentralised data sharing and PETs will not only safeguard their data assets but also lead the way in ethical data practices. The call to action is clear: adopt these technologies to improve your data privacy, security and business growth, ensuring a resilient and trustworthy foundation for the future.